Last month the three Centres of Asia-Pacific Excellence (CAPEs) came together at Go Global - Export NZ’s key conference for exporters.
We joined other organisations supporting exporters at the exhibition hall – from DHL Couriers and Western Union, to New Zealand Trade & Enterprise and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade. The conference provided an important opportunity to connect with colleagues from these agencies, as well as industry leaders and businesses from around NZ, and share how we might work together to help exporters.
It was exciting to hear the interest from conference delegates in the Asia-Pacific markets – the CAPEs’ focus - and discuss with them how we can help enhance their economic engagement with the region. We talked with delegates about the Market Readiness Programme, that the Southeast Asia CAPE is currently rolling out to small business across the country, in partnership with Export NZ. We also shared with delegates our North Asia CAPE's partnership with two academic leaders from the University of Auckland Business School to support businesses looking to internationalise in Japan.
Throughout the conference, delegates heard from inspiring leaders of some of New Zealand’s top exporters – sharing insights into their successes and challenges. Some of the key take-outs were:
- Know your market. As the global geographical divide shrinks, cultural knowledge is more important than ever. Take the time and spend the money to genuinely understand the complexities and nuances of your consumers and how to reach them.
- Myth: our product is so good, people will come knocking on our door. Reality: you need to show your customers what’s in it for them!
- Relationships are key. Consider the power of coalitions: align your strategic aims. Be purposeful about your goals and how to achieve them. Share the skin in the game. Recognise, follow and maximise momentum.
- Get in the trenches to bulldoze through key growth phases. Understand what you want, start the conversation early, be clear on your strategy and assemble a great team.
- Be patient – market growth takes time. Some mature markets started off with one product and took years to grow.
Want to know more about how the CAPEs can help support your work to internationalise in the Asia-Pacific? Please connect with us at:
North Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence
Southeast Asia Centre of Asia-Pacific Excellence
Latin America Centre Asia-Pacific Excellence